Soft Skills and their importance in Corporate, Social and Personal world’s!

Soft Skills they say are everything that does not fall in the technical aspects of a given job, but yet are extremely important for it’s completion to fruition. ???

Well, in my words I would agree to this doctrine and infact go a step forward to quote that ” Soft Skills are the subjective factors by virtue of which one decides to get the job done from an individual, a group or a corporation. These soft skills are exhibited by the employees of this concern. So don’t they become far more important than the technical skills alone and imperative to be trained on?” ⁉️

Honing your know-how of your product or service is equally important as updating your mannerisms, etiquette, attitude, virtues, skills, body language, grooming, dressing and communicating the right words. These can be further intertwined to bring about creativity, innovation, problem solving, teambuilding, awareness in attitudes, mental toughness, goal setting, negotiating, cracking a deal which further gains you succession in career and life. ??

These skills if carefully maneuvered bring about transformations in people not only in their professional but social, interpersonal and private lives as well.?
As someone once studied and interpreted that all humans are out there impressing only other humans (none of us are impressing insects , are we? ?) Hence understanding the human dynamics and psychic is of utmost importance, mapping yourself to perform in your niche circle is vital to your happiness and growth, this in turn decides how people respond to you and this gets the task done”.. Many ask me, does that mean, “positioning myself?! But the truth is that it’s a far cry from that….my methods are scientific and they actually help you transform. ?

Another study puts it this way…”80% of humans decide only visually”…so going by which; One has already made a decision to go ahead with a business engagement or a personal one only by your appearance, the next 20% is how you speak and your body language. In which case doesn’t it make sense that we all work on this study and really bring out the results we need!

Infact, most hiring decisions are based on and which become a deciding factor is the ‘attitude of the applicant’. One may have a higher ability or technical skills than the other but the person with the better attitude is always onboarded. I believe one must always hire for attitude and skills can be taught.
Attitudes can also be imbibed through right trainings and attitude is just a subset of the right etiquettes..

Infact corporations, if rightfully operating are stringent on these factor when it comes to going ahead with retentions and hear out their employees genuinely and take unbiased decisions are the ones that are going places. Attitudes matter.
Hence on my corporate ready programs that I run in post graduate and graduate colleges, I try to create an corporate environment for these millenials to learn of what to expect and how to overcome attitude related aspects through honing softer skills. ?

Given that, I have always appreciated the opportunities I have received in life so that I am able to share my learning’s. ??

So, whether you are a professional seeking a raise or promotion, a prospective bride or groom, an aspiring corporate honcho, a startup entrepreneur or a student seeking the right career opportunity, you would fall under the same principles and hence seeking advise from the right consultant or friend is extremely imperative to the ‘RIGHT’ growth.???